While we are here, we must make our life one that is
meaningful from an eternal perspective. Make our
relationship with God.... Remember God's principles for
living ... We are on a mission...
Recognize that our problem is partly one of
loneliness. Recreation and possessions can't fill the void
left by not relating with others on a personal level.
Other problems... Individualized worlds.
Other problems... insensitive to individual and
personal needs.
Recognize that the one person who can best meet our
need for relationships is God.
Recognize and deal with our self-centered attitude.
Other problems... Lack of thankfulness. Self-centered..
Recognize that the world in which we live is
primarily one that is enmity with God. The things we've
been indoctrinated with throughout life are meant to make
us worldly.
Source... We are/have been trained in worldliness.