Categories: "Published In"
Education Credits: Beyond the Basics
January 18th, 2017Tax incentives for education may be the most overlooked and most abused items on an individual tax return. They are frequently criticized for their complexity, with each form of education credit or deduction having different rules. With some credits as easy targets for fraud some practitioners are leery of education credit claims. Other problems with these incentives are not so obvious. Software support is limited and taxpayers are not always aware of the benefits or may have false notions about the requirements. more »
Managing Localization in Combo Boxes
January 18th, 2017Introduction This example combines the use of combo boxes, a separate DataSource, and localized s for alternate cultures. Background Using a combo box, programmers can use a selected item as a variable or parameter within a single method. In other… more »
The Research Review Method
June 10th, 2012For my first CPA exam, I decided to go without one of the review courses. Instead, I am researching the material as a method of preparing for the CPA exam. I'm currently going through REG material and I have found that there is a wide range of material… more »
BLT (business law & tax) in July?
May 30th, 2012<Posted on>
Studying for REG, I've decided that it could best be described as Business Law and Tax (BLT). I've taken individual and entity taxation classes, and a basic Business Law course and that covers practically everything in… more »
MySQL Selected for Database Design Class
January 12th, 2009<posted on>
I returned to school today for the first day of the new semester, and it seems reason has made a breakthrough. As many of you know, institutions tend to favor the more respectable software packages, and not necessari… more »
December 30th, 2008<posted on>
I finished my first semester back in school and did it without a laptop. I considered getting a new wide-screen laptop during the semester, but I kept asking myself, "What do I do with it?" I hear that some elite sch… more »
Project Management Styles
December 9th, 2008<posted on>
It's been two weeks since my last post here. I guess you could say I've been slacking a little with the blog but I have a good excuse. This week I'm finishing up my last major project, and next week is finals week. T… more »