Responses on Catholicism
Slamming Catholicism
From: Marge
Are you the author of this page - or simply the person who posted it (on behalf of someone else?)
If you are the author, I respect your right to post the promulgation of your particular faith and beliefs, but 'slamming' another religion, ANY religion, discredits you totally.
More to the particular point, I am Roman Catholic and I can assure you I am far from ignorant - especially with regard to my faith.
Your article showed how lacking you are in true understanding of the Catholic faith. This is not surprising, since you are not Catholic. However, to 'appear' to viably attack something about which you lack substantial information is the mark of the emotionally motivated.
It would be much better for you to honestly, and with humility, evangelize your particular faith and to spread the love of God/Christ that way than to 'assume' you can summarily dismiss the Catholic faith by a few off-handed, ignorant comments.
If you are not the author of the diatribe at this website, I assume you are acquainted with him/her..and, in that case, you can forward these comments on ....
From: Dana
Are you the author of this page - or simply the person who posted it (on behalf of someone else?)
If you are the author, I respect your right to post the promulgation of your particular faith and beliefs, but 'slamming' another religion, ANY religion, discredits you totally.
Then I suppose Jesus' own criticism of the Samaritan woman for worshiping in their mountain discredits him. If that doesn't then his bitter words against the Pharisees and Sadducce, certainly would. You may not believe in "slamming" [sic] another religion, but I believe in the words of the Bible, that I should earnestly contend for the faith...
Half the responses I get say something about me not understanding the Catholic Church, and there is some truth in that. The Catholic church and its evangelism is so unlike that of the Bible, it's not understandable. From the pope, to priests, to pergatory, Catholic doctrine appends and contradicts the teachings of Christs and the apostles, the ones that delivered the faith to His church. The Jews had priests who made offering for the people, but Christ, who made that one perfect sacrifice that we could boldly come to God through Him. Christ blood was the only way sin could be covered, any sin, so why pergatory?
It certainly seems that the beliefs you hold and the statement that one should not criticize another have something in common. Those who have an interest in really knowing the truth would have to question untruth just as well as those who want to teach truth would want to warn about untruth.