Archives for: "November 2012"

Overcoming Access Switchboard Limitations

November 30th, 2012
This a second article on using the Microsoft Access Switchboard. I use this feature all of the time, although I don't see many other Access programs that do. Part of that may be the limitations of the feature. One limitation is that you can't have more… more »

Customizing the Access Switchboard

November 29th, 2012
In the next few entries I'm going to look at the design of menu, editing of the code for more functionality, and developing an alternate menu editor. Simple Design Home page Logo click Adding parameters - Hide/Show - Expand/Collapse - Auto Expand (Swit… more »

Thankful for Good Vision

November 23rd, 2012
Yesterday was something of a bad vision thanksgiving. While preparing to go to relatives for thanksgiving dinner, I couldn't find my glasses. I looked everywhere and when I couldn't find them, I brought a different pair of glasses with me. They are… more »