Contains only resume items,
items are in /dbell/downloads with other downloads.
Same groups as cv: Acctg and Mgmt, IT (Web, Database, Other), Design, Writing
Use Project classes
Some links may be redundant since they may also be provided with a description of items in Projects.
This is a collection of a few of the databases or documentation for projects listed in the database projects page. This is still under construction while I prepare distributable versions of the databases or documentation files. For more information about specific databases, please contact me.
Simple Cards v 1.1 database
Simple database that keeps categorical notes in a cardfile with search, sort, and printing options. Optionally create and use external files. Single screen interface. (October 2014)
undergraduate advising database documentation
Maintains records of student advising, visits, and application for graduation. (2011)
mandatory university reporting system documentation, presentation notes
This Visual Basic/ASP.NET project demonstrated a method for meeting state requirements to report on classes, instructors, syllabi, and provide capabilities for web class evaluations. (2009)
expenditure authorization database
Purchase Authorization Database. (2007 - 2008)
inventory manager database and documentation
Assists in an orderly physical inventory (2007)
Old Stuff . . .
These are DOS programs from decades ago.
annual report for ut tyler chapter of sife
Newsletter for sife competition (2011)
personal newsletter for 2006
Personal newsletter for 2006 created in InDesign, with images modified in Photoshop (December 2006)
From old site
accounting (1-page)
Brief resume for accounting related positions (July 2012)
Cover letter and resume for programmer/analyst (August 2012)
tax accounting
Brief resume for accounting related positions (October 2014)