These are some projects that have programming as a major component.
Communication software package designed to be compatible with similar programs. Supports FidoNet technical specifications for echomail processing and file formats. Includes BBS program with internal menus, optional customizable menus with about 100 selectable functions and options, an internal text editor or optional external editor, imbedded meta codes for database displays, and custom interpretive language. The package or available utilities also include configuration program, menu editor, user editor, network mail processing software, messagebase maintenance software, and diagnostic utilities. Also, incorporates write-in-place compression. {1989 - 1996}
Initially developed to meet a specific need within FamilyNet International, Echobase system software has now been distributed within other networks. Echobase maintains a database of message conference listings that can be updated and queried remotely via netmail. Echobase also publishes lists of echoes periodically, monitors database and sends aging warnings and dated deletions. Other programs in the family simplify conference moderator updates to the database, allow users to browse a database in read-only mode. Replies and reports can be generated in user specified formats, and entries can be imported/exported from/to other databases. To my surprise, I discovered that this DOS based utility was still in use in December of 2012. After almost 20 years, it seems to be pretty solid. {1994 - 2004}
This system was designed to meet new mandatory university reporting requirements for the state of Texas where universities post certain information about university courses and instructors online following specific guidelines. This system allows users to access information about
Class information is provided, including the specific instructor name and syllabi. Course related syllabi are offered for general course information. Instructor Curriculum Vitae's are offered for instructors (where one has been provided). Students, from a student roster, can answer questionnaires to evaluate classes and instruction. Evaluations are shown for when available and a summary of the evaluations of past classes includes averaged numerical ratings and specific comments from students.
This is a web based system developed in Visual Basic/ASP.NET for Microsoft SQL Server, and uses a simple left-hand menu navigation system. Breadcrumbs are also provided. The system automatically shows links which may be of interest to users, including links to specific classes when a course or instructor is selected. Evaluation summaries are shown for specific classes when one is available. A post-project feature was added later to allow students to login and complete an evaluation of their classes. {2010}
(download documentation, presentation notes)
See Also