Category: "Word"

Check This Out Too

May 10th, 2017
A few months ago J. Carlton Collins, wrote an article in the Journal of Accountancy about adding check marks to a Word document. He was writing in response to a question about getting a decent looking check mark in Word and one suggestion was to use… more »

OpenOffice Writer Themes

June 6th, 2015
In Word you can create a document and by using styles associated with the selected theme, you can make sure the design is consistent throughout, without having to change a lot of fonts and colors. You could also create a document and then select an alternate theme and totally change the design of the document (colors, fonts, etc). While OpenOffice Writer doesn't have themes, you can actually do much the same thing in OpenOffice.… more »

Microsoft Word Outlining Primer

June 22nd, 2013
Introduction If you believe the endorsements of others I'm an expert in Access and Excel. I certainly don't know everything about either program, but compared to others, I’ve probably better harnessed the power of those programs than most.  I suspect I… more »

Review Notes on Your Smartphone

August 23rd, 2012
  Creating a navigable notes document for CPA review.   If you are intense about studying for the CPA exam, you have probably found times when you could be studying except that you don't have anything with you, except your cell phone. Waiting for a s… more »

The Microsoft Word Spike

June 17th, 2008
One of the most frustrating things for me is to be in a meeting or activity and be inundated with stuff I've already heard before. This is particularly true when it comes to computers and on Sunday morning at church. Similarly it is quite exciting when more »